After they failed miserably, the Caliph decided to go wild! So he appointed the army to break into the Pyramid, which already was getting on his nerve! So they heated up one side of the pyramid until it went red, then they spillt concentrated cold acids on it till they caused small cracks into some stones. then they used a huge tool they used in old times to break into castle walls with.
Even though they were able to break into the Pyramid, they were still unable to find their way inside. It seemed all confusing how this giant building was built, all they found in was only a small tunnel that led nowhere
The group kept on following up the tunnel that led them to a hole full of dust and wreck, and on the other end they found another small tunnel that went 50 feets up, they followed up and ended with a white wall with nothing on it! beneath it they found a 30-feet deep hole that led again to nothing!
They then decided to start from zero, they went back to the point they started digging in and took another direction, where they found a small tunnel going for 150 feet! they had to crawl their way up to the end of the tunnel where they found themselves in an empty room that seemed to be the main purpose of the whole construction.
Weird enough, it took them much time, effort and money to find their ways up, they found nothing worthy in the whole giant building! All what was there was the tomb of a Pharaoh!
It is said that the Caliph asked some of the workers to put some golden figures around some corners there so the scientists and the army would find something to cheer them up, instead of realizing that they went after his delusional hopes...