Ancient Egyptian Jewelry

The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt by Toby Wilkinson

The Rise and Fall of Ancient EgyptToby Wilkinson
Wilkinson, an award-winning Egyptologist who teaches at Oxford, provides a fine single-volume history of ancient Egypt that covers more than 3,000 years, from prehistory to the Roman conquest. He uses a conventional chronological approach that inevitably uses archaeological sources to provide examples. Like his colleagues, Wilkinson expresses admiration for the continuity, stability, and relative harmony of pharaonic Egypt. Yet he is strikingly at odds with other Egyptologists in his efforts to present the darker side of Egyptian life... Read more on

Pages: 656
Price: $15.13 (paperback)

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The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt by Toby Wilkinson

The Rise and Fall of Ancient EgyptToby Wilkinson
Wilkinson, an award-winning Egyptologist who teaches at Oxford, provides a fine single-volume history of ancient Egypt that covers more than 3,000 years, from prehistory to the Roman conquest. He uses a conventional chronological approach that inevitably uses archaeological sources to provide examples. Like his colleagues, Wilkinson expresses admiration for the continuity, stability, and relative harmony of pharaonic Egypt. Yet he is strikingly at odds with other Egyptologists in his efforts to present the darker side of Egyptian life... Read more on

Pages: 656
Price: $15.13 (paperback)

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